About us!

So hey there random visitor in our blog,
today we just got this idea to create a blog.
Yeah, it happens that you just come up with an idea like that.
We are Endi and Saida, and we are class mates.
As we said in our previous blog, we want to share here notes, advice, and other cool stuff.

But first let us just introduce ourselves.

Soo, I'm Saida. 17 years old, from Albania.
I love books, I love music, I love learning languages(I call myself a Polyglot). I can already speak Italian, English, Turkish, (a little bit of Spanish and Portuguese). Also I'm learning German (well I've tried.)
I love sciences. We both do love 'em as you already know. That's why my biggest dream is to become a great Doctor. I've wanted that since little because I think it is the greatest thing somebody can achieve in his life.
I'm not somebody easy-to-be-friends-with. But if you give it a try, I can be a good friend. (I mean I would love to be friends with myself).

And I'm Endi, also 17 years old from Albania and yeah I ADORE Physics. That sounds weird huh?
Well not for me. Hmm, also, I love Astronomy since I was little. Yeah it has always been my biggest dream to know how the Universe works. (I guess now you understand the Physics thing).
I really like music and painting. My favorite singer is Katy Perry, lets admit, she's a queen.
And about school, I have a high grade average compared to other people at my age. "When I grow up" I want to be an engineer and I also like ITC, so why not combine them both?

So there guys, hope you like us and the most important thing, hope you like our blog.
So wish us good luck, or as Italian people say "in bocca al lupo".


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